Early Intervention

Early Years

Early Intervention Transdisciplinary

Making life easier & more fun

Our Early Years Professionals are qualified speech pathologists, occupational therapists & physiotherapists. They will help your child to reach individual goals & ensure that you have access to the best information, resources & support available so that your child can thrive at home & in the community.


We can help your child to:

  • communicate more effectively
  • increase independent mobility
  • improve challenging behaviours
  • enjoy daily routines
  • build friendships

Our Early Years team provides the best therapy & developmental support for your child

Our family centred support will assist you through your child’s early years, maximising independence and participation in family and community life. We create strategies to make every day routines such as meal times, sleeping, toileting and shopping trips easier (& more fun!)

Our Early Years Service uses a transdisciplinary approach, recognised by the experts as the best way to help children and families in the early years.

Families & carers can access our programs and services via:

  • The CLS Allied Health Centre
  • Your home (or preferred setting)
  • Your child’s school, kindy or childcare centre
  • Virtual appointments (Skype etc)

We are registered providers for:

  • NDIS
  • Betterstart
  • Helping Children With Autism (HCWA)
  • Medicare
  • Health Funds (HICAPS available)
  • Fee for service

The (NDIS) will use the following terms to describe the funding that can be used to purchase Transdisciplinary Early Childhood Intervention services:

  • Improved daily living skills
  • Increased social and community participation
  • Improved relationships

Contact us to learn more about how our professional, approachable and down-to-earth team can help you and your child today.